BorgWarner creates technology to improve the efficiency and performance in all types of vehicles. They’ve used MaintMaster as their maintenance system since the end of Januari 2018. Linus Borsing is maintenance engineer at BorgWarner and he played a major part in the implementation and, now, in the use of MaintMaster.
A dedicated project manager from MaintMaster
"The project manager had a solid knowledge of maintenance and MaintMaster, which made it easy to fix the structure in the program, so it supports our work processes"
- Linus Borsing.
MaintMaster maintenance software is mainly used to report faults, which are then automatically assigned to maintenance technicans. But it is also used for improvements and administrative tasks. Linus thinks that the function ‘Notifications’ is one of his favorites. He uses it to make MaintMaster send an email when there’s a change, for instance, when someone receives a new job. This function has helped users at BorgWarner a great deal in their maintenance work.