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Transforming Engineering Operations

How Siva Group leveraged MaintMaster CMMS for organisational growth

MaintMaster is significantly different from the vast majority of CMMS systems, largely because of its modular nature and the way in which you can embark on the journey with MaintMaster and take your organisation with it.

Steve Burnage 

Southampton, on the south coast of England and on the same land where the legendary Spitfire fighter was first built, is the home of Siva Group.
Siva Group manufactures blown polyethylene and flexographic printing packaging products. By the summer of 2023, Steve Burnage, Head of Engineering, needed a flexible system to bring his engineering organisation to a more organised way of working.

The search for a solution

Many industry professionals had told Steve about the flexibility and power of MaintMaster CMMS. After visiting Maintec, one of the oldest trade shows for the preventive maintenance, reliability, and asset management industry, Steve decided to start using the system.

Decision to implement MaintMaster

"I chose MaintMaster because of its modular nature and the ability to customise MaintMaster to the business that needs the CMMS solution," Steve says.
After a year of use, Steve feels that the system stands out in a number of ways:
"MaintMaster is significantly different from the vast majority of CMMS systems, largely because of its modular nature and the way in which you can embark on the journey with MaintMaster and take your organisation with it."


Future growth and evolution

And the work can only continue to evolve. Steve compares working with MaintMaster to a growth curve:
"MaintMaster has been an appropriate partner to go along a growth curve and bring my engineering organisation into a more ordered and patterned way of business."

Steve concludes that the next step will be to roll out MaintMaster on his other sites and spread it's influence across the whole of his engineering responsibility.



Who: Siva Group 
Employees: 400+
Favorite feature: Analysis & Reporting

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