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How to choose a CMMS

You have realised that you need maintenance software and you are the one who will select and later implement the software. Here is what you need to know.


Download our specification sheet for your evaluation

The selection and implementation of new maintenance software can be relatively slow.
This is because, depending on the size of your organisation, many stakeholders need to be
involved. Since all these stakeholders usually have different, if not conflicting, requirements for the software, your first priority should be to identify these decision-makers and find out what their requirements and concerns are regarding the implementation of a new maintenance software.

Every company is different, but there are some commonalities that we have seen when it comes to selecting maintenance software. To make it easier to follow, we have broken down the process of selecting maintenance software into 7 steps and provide you with a specification sheet for your evaluation.


The 7 steps process of
choosing a CMMS

We need software!

Someone sees the need for maintenance software. This can be for a variety of reasons: an audit that requires maintenance data, such as IATF, or simply an increasingly complex maintenance organisation.

Who is responsible?

In an optimal scenario, there is a formal project with a project manager assigned to 1) identify the need for maintenance software and 2) select the right maintenance software.

Who will be involved in the selection process?

The project manager/team identifies who will be using the software and what other stakeholders are needed to see the project through.

What are the goals?

The project manager/team identifies the short and long term goals of the maintenance department and the barriers to those goals; if the maintenance software can help achieve the maintenance department's goals, then proceed - otherwise, no need to look further.

What are the requirements?

What are the specific software requirements needed to achieve these goals?

What kind of software is out there?

Research the market for suppliers, analyse the differences and send RFIs to the most promising ones.

Invite for demo and select the most promising one.

Invite suitable software vendors for a live demo.
Ensure that the most critical stakeholders attend the demo event. If possible, bring all stakeholders together after the last event and ensure that you reach a joint decision.


Sample request for quotation and specification sheet

When evaluating different maintenance software providers, it is essential that you know what features are important to your business. It is important that you purchase a system that is complex enough to cover all the processes in your maintenance department, but simple enough to be adopted and used as the preferred maintenance software in your organisation. In our sample specification sheet, we have summarised the features and requirements that we have come across to help you evaluate what features to look for in maintenance software. Download your specification sheet today

Stakeholders of the selection and implementation process:

Selecting and implementing usually requires getting a go from a variety of stakeholders. Stakeholders are the ones that will be affected by or work with the new software. Makes sure to involve them early into the decision-making process so that they won’t have objections later on:



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