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Chapter 16

Systematic work environment management

Safe maintenance work

Maintenance aims to reduce disturbances and interruptions in production. All countries have legislation covering health and safety at work. All work must be planned and organised so that it can be carried out in a healthy and safe environment.

Also extraordinary work, such as repairs due to a machine breakdown, must be planned and prepared so that it does not pose a risk to maintenance technicians or people in the vicinity. Machinery, equipment and other technical devices must be designed, positioned and used in such a way as to provide adequate protection against ill health and accidents.

Coordination responsibilities

A contractor's activities has always been ordered by someone within your organisation. It should be established who has the coordination responsibility for the work carried out by any subcontractor. The coordinator must schedule the work and ensure that the responsibility for protective devices, barriers and other protective measures, such as hot work permits are clearly divided between the orderer and the contractor.

Communication and joint planning are needed to reduce the risks that may arise during ongoing maintenance work. The person ordering the service is normally responsible for ensuring that the contractor has knowledge of, and complies with all applicable regulations.


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MaintMaster Maintenance Manual

This free manual can be used as a practical guide and support in the daily maintenance work and as part of the introductory material for newly employed personnel.

In this manual, you will learn:

check_circle_icon_tealHow to create vision, strategy and policies for your maintenance team

check_circle_icon_tealHow to build a maintenance team

check_circle_icon_tealWhich KPIs to use and how to set them up

check_circle_icon_tealHow to base your work on the EN Maintenance Standard

And a lot more…

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