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Chapter 6

Improvement Maintenance

Improvement - Dependability improvement

According to the European standard, improvement is defined as: "Combination of all technical, administrative and manegerial actions, intended to ameliorate the intrincic reliability and/or maintainability and/or safety of an item, without changing the original function.

Note. An improvement may also be introduced to prevent misuse in operation to avoid failures. For Maintenance, this means all actions aimed at extending the service life and eliminating future failures

Within the framework of Improvement Maintenance, one should exclude actions where the purpose of the activity is to improve the speed or quality output of machinery or equipment. The same applies to the adaptation of equipment for a new product or packaging. We register and report these actions as a Modification in MaintMaster CMMS.

• Building away errors
• Training activities
• Organisational changes
• Developing work instructions
• Implementation of a maintenance system
• Improve the maintainability of a piece of equipment

This text has been reproduced from SS-EN 13306 with the requisite authorization for MaintMaster from the Swedish Institute for Standards, which is the owner and copyright holder of the SS-EN 13306 (the Swedish version of EN 13306) and also sells the complete Standard at


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MaintMaster Maintenance Manual

This free manual can be used as a practical guide and support in the daily maintenance work and as part of the introductory material for newly employed personnel.

In this manual, you will learn:

check_circle_icon_tealHow to create vision, strategy and policies for your maintenance team

check_circle_icon_tealHow to build a maintenance team

check_circle_icon_tealWhich KPIs to use and how to set them up

check_circle_icon_tealHow to base your work on the EN Maintenance Standard

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