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Chapter 2

Maintenance Vision, Strategy & Policy

These are documents forming the foundation for a systematic approach to reach high reliability, and works as a guide when making operational decisions. The vision is a long-term goal that the organisation should actively work towards. The strategy is a plan for how the organisation will achieve the vision, where as the policy is a declaration of intent and a guideline to steer decisions and achieve the desired goals.


      • Proper maintenance provides reliability and good availability throughout the plant, and traceability through reporting in the maintenance system provides facts about weaknesses and deficiencies.

    • • Through all employees’ insight into the importance of maintenance for operational reliability, we will achieve cost-effective maintenance of the entire plant.

      • This will be made possible through employee engagement, utilisation of the maintenance system and respect for procedures and instructions.


      •  Our maintenance is characterised by safety, efficiency, quality and flexibility..

    • • Leadership should be visible and supportive

      We are all teachers, trainers and Fast feedback is important.

    • • A maintenance technician should know and understand the maintenance terminology of the European standard (EN 13306), and have the ability to use them in practice.


      •  Achieve high availability through consistent reliability work with an economic trade-off to meet production targets.

      • The European standard for maintenance (EN 13306) and its concepts form the basis of our daily work.

      • Preventive maintenance is planned and based on condition-based maintenance. This minimises unplanned maintenance interventions.

    • • Establish close co-operation between
      maintenance and operations staff.

    • • We use the LEAN concept and work with continuous improvement and systematic problem solving to address root causes.




MaintMaster Maintenance Manual

This free manual can be used as a practical guide and support in the daily maintenance work and as part of the introductory material for newly employed personnel.

In this manual, you will learn:

check_circle_icon_tealHow to create vision, strategy and policies for your maintenance team

check_circle_icon_tealHow to build a maintenance team

check_circle_icon_tealWhich KPIs to use and how to set them up

check_circle_icon_tealHow to base your work on the EN Maintenance Standard

And a lot more…

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