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Chapter 1

Maintenance according to European standards

Maintenance is often considered to be the same as repairing something that has broken, which is an old and outdated definition of maintenance work. The pyramid on the next page shows that corrective maintenance is only a small part of the tasks in a maintenance organisation. A large part of the work involves identifying future maintenance needs and planning and preparing for this to achieve the most cost-effective maintenance possible. The main objective of a maintenance organisation is always to maintain or increase operational reliability

This means that machines and equipment work as expected during planned operation. To achieve this, the maintenance organisation needs a clear vision and strategy with established procedures and goals. An example of a maintenance strategy can be to achieve more efficient production through preventive and condition-based maintenance. It is also important in the daily work that you work long term. One example could be Root Cause Analyses in corrective maintenance in order to eventually increase the degree of planning and thereby create cost-effective maintenance.

 This manual can be used as a practical guide and support in the daily maintenance work and as part of the introduction material for newly hired staff. Feel free to contact us if you want help to develop your own maintenance manual for your organisation. It is very important that all maintenance personnel understand the importance of well performed preventive maintenance, as well as the consequences of unplanned production stoppages. They should also be able to assess how improved maintenance, or developed preventive maintenance, can increase asset reliability. The manual has been updated from the first edition in 2016.

MaintMasters maintenance pyramid






MaintMaster Maintenance Manual

This free manual can be used as a practical guide and support in the daily maintenance work and as part of the introductory material for newly employed personnel.

In this manual, you will learn:

check_circle_icon_tealHow to create vision, strategy and policies for your maintenance team

check_circle_icon_tealHow to build a maintenance team

check_circle_icon_tealWhich KPIs to use and how to set them up

check_circle_icon_tealHow to base your work on the EN Maintenance Standard

And a lot more…

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